Can CBD Oil Help Autism

Natural Remedies Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to a wide range of developmental disorders caused by a mix of environmental factors and genetic mutations. According to the latest research by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) autism affects 1 in 60 children in the US. The signs and symptoms of autism vary across the spectrum

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Rare Types of Autism

Childhood Disintergrative Disorder

Rare Types of Autism Many people are familiar with the most common types of autism – Asperger’s Syndrome, an autistic disorder which is a high functioning autism (also known as Kanner’s syndrome), and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified – though not as many are familiar with the rare types of autism. These include Rett’s

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Autism Therapy : What are your options ?

Autism therapy Options

The Types of Autism Therapy: What are Your Options?  Unfortunately autism is not completely curable. Autism therapy is available for children that suffer from one of the subtypes of autistic spectrum disorder.   One difficulty is that there is no specific autism test that pinpoints exactly which subtype someone may have. For this reason, professionals

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Can Your Child Be Treated for Autism?

can your child be treated for autism

Can Your Child Be Treated for Autism? What Parents Want to Know: It’s the first question that comes to any parent’s mind when their child is diagnosed with autism, ADD, ADHD, or any other behavioral or developmental disorders: can my child be treated for this? Fortunately, there are a handful of different therapies used for

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Asperger’s Syndrome

Characteristics of Aspergers syndrome

High Functioning Autism; Unraveling the Mystery behind Asperger’s Syndrome You may or may not have previously heard of Asperger’s syndrome, which is a branch of autism under the diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder. Those who are affected by Asperger’s Syndrome find it difficult to pick up on body language and facial expressions, making it complicated

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ADHD and ADD- is there a difference?

natural supplements for adhd child

ADHD and ADD – What’s the Difference? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) are two commonly diagnosed disorders in children. It is estimated that approximately 8.4% of children ages 3-17 are diagnosed with ADHD. Though the two disorders are very similar, they do have a handful of different symptoms. What is

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How Do You Feel When Your Child Is Diagnosed with Autism?

Help for families with an autistic child

Help for Autism Families. Hearing that  your child has been diagnosed with autism can be a heartbreaking experience, especially if they have previously been to doctors and have been misdiagnosed with another disorder such as ADD ( Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)   before coming to this conclusion. The diagnostic process

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